We spend a lot of time here at the Attivo blog talking about the benefits of cloud hosting and why cloud hosting is more secure than on-premise options. Today we’ll talk about how to choose the right hosting partner. Businesses already running Macola 10 know how workspaces have revolutionized how people are using ERP software. Combining that with the power of the cloud can take your Macola software to another level. But not all cloud hosting partners are created equally. Choosing the right partner is vital to make sure that you can get the most out of your software investment.
Why Choose Macola over SaaS
For some, the idea of purchasing a software license and moving it into the cloud seems moot when one can simply invest in a SaaS solution. While that is an option, there are several downfalls with SaaS software. First and foremost, you don’t own your data with a SaaS solution. You also don’t have any control of when the software is updated and changes are made. The software developer controls all of that, meaning you need to adjust to changes made, even if you don’t want to. Using the software you and your employees are already familiar with is the better option.
Application Expertise is Essential
With ERP systems as complex and robust as Macola 10 you can’t simply move your system into the cloud. Recreating the environment necessary for Macola to run properly requires an intimate knowledge of the software. It is something that mass hosting providers like Rackspace or the Amazon Cloud simply don’t provide. Your Macola software is a powerful tool, but if it isn’t in an environment that allows it to function properly than there is no point in moving into the cloud.
Another reason why it is crucial for your hosting partner to have an intimate knowledge of the Macola application is to properly handle software updates. You don’t want someone untrained trying to implement a software upgrade, integrate Macola with warehouse management solutions and other 3rd party applications or maintaining any customizations you’ve built specifically for your company.
Eliminate Finger Pointing
As much as we all like to believe that organizations will hold themselves accountable when things break down, what happens when you have several technical support partners and things stop working? Finger pointing is normal in these situations. Your Macola support partner will blame your cloud hosting provider and vice versa. When your hosting partner is your software support partner there is no finger pointing, just solutions.
The Attivo Group has been providing cloud hosting for Macola software for more than 13+ years. We have been innovators in cloud hosted ERP and can help your business develop a transition plan. For more information on how to move your Macola Software into the cloud or to learn about our proven track record of successfully transitioning Macola users into the cloud, you can call The Attivo Group at 877-428-8486 or contact us here .