Great Customer Service Ensures More Green on the Bottom Line

With the cost of customer acquisition representing a major overhead expense, avoiding churn among your client base is crucial to maintaining predictable revenue and growth. Yet, roughly 40% of customers surveyed cited “poor customer service” as the reason they stopped doing business with a specific company, according to Statista, a marketing and consumer data provider.

Typically, customers don’t just “go away mad” without red flags popping up in advance of their departure. While not every unhappy patron will vocalize their dissatisfaction, there are usually abundant warning signs. For example, when a customer problem pops up, is it addressed immediately, or are slow response times creeping in? Are sales staff or account managers struggling to find sufficient time to engage with customers? Is there a standardized process for tracking leads and sales opportunities?

Clearly, such issues can be addressed effectively once they’re identified. However, without a system in place to gather such information and make it available in real time within a dashboard view, isolating and solving customer service hotspots can feel like playing whack-a-mole.

With three decades of experience in enterprise applications software, we’ve helped hundreds of organizations achieve customer service excellence. Each implementation of Attivo-All-In-One, powered by SAP Business One, is optimized to deliver better operational efficiencies and support growth of your business by reducing costs, complexity, and risks. Here’s a checklist of what you can expect in customer service gains from an integrated business management system built upon SAP’s world class ERP framework:

Timely Service Response: Transparency of customer calls and messages ensures ownership is assigned to the appropriate team member and management has visibility for ‘closing the loop” on requests and issues.

Real Time Customer Engagement: By categorizing crucial account management activities as open & closed, the relevancy of actions needed to be taken can be weighted and prioritized and even automated with pre-set customer alerts.

Accurate Lead Tracking: Empowered with full-featured CRM capabilities, sales activities and customer support tasks are traceable and updated in real time.

Customized CRM Reporting: Powered by Crystal Reports for CRM, department-wide and employee-specific activity reports are available on demand, providing a personalized My Activates to-do list for personnel and a useful yardstick for stakeholders to measure performance.

Attivo All-In-One, powered by SAP Business One has the most powerful and fully integrated analytic and reporting tools in the ERP software sector for small to mid-sized businesses. This makes it easier and more efficient to design and implement customized quality control processes and methods across your organization.