ERP Integration: Strategy, Challenges, Benefits, and Key Types


Author: Khaleel Hayes

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This article highlights important key aspects to consider for those who either own ERP software and need to understand how to perform an ERP integration or are a potential buyer concerned about whether an ERP system integration can work for your specific solutions. Covering everything from forming an ERP integration strategy to methods, benefits, challenges and more.

What Is an ERP Integration?

ERP integration involves the merging of different systems into your ERP software for better consolidation, cross-department collaboration and more.

Maria Opre, cybersecurity expert and senior analyst at EarthWeb, said ERP integrations “essentially connect the dots between sales, marketing, HR, finance, production and other business units.”

Kelly Indah, tech expert and security analyst for Increditools, said an ERP system integration “is crucial for enhancing company workflows as it ensures communication between different organizational functions.”

Len Reo, president of Attivo Group LLC, described why companies should prioritize their obstacles and find integrations that address them.

“Usually, there is some issue that keeps business managers and/or owners up at night. Prioritizing these issues is the first order of business. Then, by removing data silos, the organization can connect or integrate applications. Without silos, information is passed around easier, making data available in real time.”