Most credit card processors work smoothly when it comes to authorizing and processing credit card sales. But what about when you need to make a change to a current transaction, or review information on historical transactions?
Let’s say you have a customer that places a credit card order. Their card is authorized and processed, but then an hour later, they call back wanting to cancel the order. You can easily prevent the order from leaving your warehouse, but how easily can you prevent a charge from showing up on the customer’s credit card?
It is VERY easy, if you are using the EBizCharge Merchant Console. All you do is:
- Login
- Use the dynamic search feature to quickly locate the transaction in the current batch. You may search by customer name, amount, last 4 digits of the card, etc
- Drill into the transaction
- Void the transaction
The entire process should take you less than a minute. Plus, that same dynamic search feature is available when you need to review detailed information on prior transactions.
Here’s what else you can do on the Merchant Console:
- Batch Manager allows you to review summary information for the current credit card batch, or any prior batch, with the ability to drill down to the details of the individual transactions in that batch.
- Add new customers.
- Process quick sales and refunds.
- Run dozens of pre-made reports, with drill-down capabilities to the transaction detail. Reports can printed, e-mailed and exported to PDF and other common formats. Should you not find the report you are looking for you may easily create a new one.
When choosing a credit card processor, make sure that like EBizCharge, they offer a clean, quick and efficient way for you to make changes to your current transactions, as well as reviewing detailed information on your historical transactions.
The EBizCharge Merchant Console is a feature of EBizCharge, by Century Business Solutions. EBizCharge is fully integrated with Macola, Sage, QuickBooks, Accumatica and many other ERP systems.
Find out more about by visiting our Ebiz Page here orcontact us here to speak with a EBiz Specialist directly.