Check-Lists for Month-End & Year-End Procedures in Macola ERP

SAP ERP training

The once-a-year event is coming ever closer, and you may be reaching for your hand-written notes trying to remember how-to complete the Year-End procedures for Macola. Don’t worry. We have your back. We’ve created two new, beautiful, easy to follow check-lists on Month-End and Year-End procedures for all versions of Macola ERP.

How-to Guides with Supplemental Support

Our ERP consultants have put in hundreds of hours in creating how-to guides for Macola 10, Macola ES, and Macola Progression. We find that these guides are especially helpful when employees are trying to complete procedures that they many only do a few times a year. We have the guides right where they start the process in Macola, as well as on our customer portal.

We wanted to help other Macola users, though, and put together two check-list guides on Month-End and Year-End procedures. Click HERE to download the guides!

Supplemental Support for Macola ERP

We can help with all your Macola needs, including training, report writing, documentation, software updates, and any tech support or ‘Break-Fix’ needs you have! You choose the hours you need per quarter, then rest assured we have your back. Call us at 949-253-9639 to find out our current offer to new supplemental support clients! Happy New Year!