
Cloud Hosting
Confused Supervisor

Lean and Mean Warehouse Management

Organizations that have embraced Lean have found it possible to achieve impressive improvements through the reduction of non-value-added steps and elimination of waste everywhere they apply the methodologies. This is especially true when Lean Warehouse Management practices are instituted. The payoff in greater efficiencies, improved safety, and higher productivity are immediate and long lasting. You […]

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Electronic Banking Built for the Way You Do Business

Customers appreciate being offered quick and easy payment options. During the buying decision phase, it can make the difference between a transaction or a lost sale. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes for a minute and ask yourself – are you providing prospects (or equally important, repeat customers) with simple-to-understand and instantaneous payment choices? If […]

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Enterprise resource management

Exploring the Benefits of Cloud Hosting for Small Businesses

Cloud hosting provides proven cost savings and numerous benefits to small businesses in the manufacturing and distribution industries.    Simplified, cloud hosting means your software and data are stored in a secure data center that can be quickly and easily accessed by your business from any location in the world with an internet connection. Cloud hosting can be used […]

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Best financial software for small business

Why Cloud Conversion Is Better than Upgrading Your Equipment

    Whether you’re adapting to the demands of a growing workforce or simply keeping your system up to date, there comes a time when every company needs to expand or upgrade its on-premise server equipment. This project is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and expensive. It’s also the perfect opportunity to implement a more sustainable solution – […]

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ERP system implementation

Why Your Business Need to Replace Outdated Server Equipment

Let’s face it, modern businesses rely on computer technology to manage nearly all critical operations, and keeping that technology up to date can be challenging. Servers are the heart of IT infrastructure, but many businesses make the mistake of waiting too long to replace outdated equipment simply because the current system is still functioning. This […]

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